Friday, December 18, 2009

Wales - annual report reveals another successful year for Stop Smoking Wales..

December 18, 2009 - New figures show that over 15,000 people contacted Stop Smoking Wales for advice on quitting smoking last year and over 50 per cent of those who took part in the treatment programme were successful in giving up.

The 2008-09 Annual Report from Stop Smoking Wales, run by the National Public Health Service for Wales (NPHS), shows steady progress with almost a 20 per cent increase in the number of clients contacting the free, NHS service during the last year.

Figures show that 15,086 people across Wales contacted Stop Smoking Wales for advice, and more than half of these went on to take part in local six-week support programmes to help them stop smoking.

Of the 7,697 people who took part in support programmes, 4,443 reported that they had completely quit smoking when they were followed up four weeks later. This means over 50 per cent of smokers have kicked the habit with the help of Stop Smoking Wales.

For more information on the report content and to view the actual report..

Reference: More than 4,000 Welsh smokers snuff out the habit, News Wales, 12/14/2009.

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