Tuesday, December 8, 2009

WHO - 2009 Global Tobacco Epidemic Report to be released December 9, 2009..

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December 8, 2009 - Tomorrow Wednesday, December 9, 2009 the World Health Organization (WHO) Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2009 will be unveiled in İstanbul, Turkey due to its successful implementation of a smoking ban in July 2009.

The WHO report presents information from 179 member countries every year regarding the tobacco epidemic and tobacco control policies. The organization releases its annual report every year in a different country or a city which has made significant progress in the fight against smoking or has become a role model in combating smoking.

Last year’s meeting was held in New York, where a smoking ban in restaurants and bars was launched. London, Dublin, Mexico City, Montevideo and İstanbul were candidates to host this year’s meeting. The WHO selected İstanbul because of the “100 percent smoke-free air in Turkey” campaign which was successfully implemented in July 2009 after the smoking ban in enclosed areas. The meeting is to take place on December 9 and will be attended by Turkish Health Minister Recep Akdağ as well as a group of WHO officials, including those from the WHO’s European zone and its office in Turkey, led by WHO Assistant Director General Ala Alwan -- Iraq’s former health minister, and the director of the WHO Tobacco Free Initiative, Douglas Bettcher.

To view theWHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2008 - The MPOWER package..

Here are a few of the excellent images in the 2008 report that we can all make use of.

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Reference: WHO tobacco report to be announced in Turkey, Today's Zaman, 12/1/2009.

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