Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Galveston - after two weeks police have not issued any citations for smoking..

January 19, 2009 - On January 1, 2010 the Galveston, Texas comprehensive smoking ban took effect forbidding people from lighting up in bars, restaurants, private clubs and tobacco stores.

After more than two weeks, Galveston’s smoking ban has gotten a little hazy. While some bars and restaurants are complying with the new law banning smoking indoors, on patios, decks and on sidewalks in front of restaurants and bars, smokers continue to puff away in banned areas across Galveston. Dennis Byrd, president of the Galveston Restaurant Association: Most restaurants and bars have banned smoking indoors, but many business owners are turning a blind eye to those who light up on patios and decks. (Galveston, Texas - smoking ban took effect January 1, 2010 but it may not be enforced..)

The Galveston Police Department has not issued any citations for smoking.

Didn't we all know this would occur after the Galveston Police Department said the ordinance is among the last on its list of laws to enforce. A spokesperson said the police department sees the ordinance as a symbolic gesture; while the city council had good intentions when it approved the plan, it’s “unreasonable for the police department to give (the ban) its undivided attention.”

Reference: Smoking ban hasn't led to any citations by Rhiannon Meyers, Galveston County Daily News, 1/17/2010.

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