Friday, January 22, 2010

General Tobacco - owes states $285 million..

January 25, 2010 - General Tobacco products is on its way to being barred from selling its cigarette products in 18 states over its failure to make payments under the multistate Master Settlement Agreement (MSA), which was created in 1998. The MSA was reached originally by the nation's four largest tobacco companies: Philip Morris USA, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp., and Lorillard Tobacco Company. More than 40 other tobacco companies later joined the agreement.

Back in April 2009 we reported that General Tobacco made its MSA payment in full.. See the related news briefs below.

The states owed are: Arizona, California, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont and Washington. In Missouri, General Tobacco's wholesalers and retailers have been told that if they owe the company money for purchases to instead send payment to the state. The Washington attorney general's office said retailers and wholesalers who have existing stamped cigarettes manufactured by General Tobacco may continue to sell them through February 19, 2010. After that date, they must remove any remaining inventory from their shelves. The stamps signify that taxes have already been collected on the product.

The date General Tobacco's products can no longer be sold on shelves varies depending on state.

Reference: Tobacco company owes states $285 million by CHRIS RIZO,, 1/21/2010.

Some related news briefs:
General Tobacco - last defendants dropped from cigarette antitrust suit..;
General Tobacco makes MSA payment in full..;
General Tobacco reaches deal with states on MSA;
Judge dismisses General Tobacco challenge to tobacco settlement..; General Tobacco lays off nearly 25% of work force..;
General Tobacco Sues 52 U.S Attorneys General and 19 Tobacco Companies..; N.C.'s General Tobacco Appoints New Sales Head..;
General Tobacco completes move to Mayodan, N.C..;
General Tobacco (GT) could “potentially” come out with snus type product..;

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