Saturday, January 2, 2010

Kansas - cigarette tax hike likely in 2010..

January 2, 2009 - WICHITA, Kan. – Smokers in Kansas may pay more next year. Gov. Mark Parkinson plans to ask lawmakers to increase tobacco taxes in 2010, according to a report from KSCW (TV station). The money would be used for either health-care programs or the general fund.

Right now smokers pay 79 cents per pack in taxes. By raising that tax to the national average of $1.34, Kansas would raise $88 million next year, according to the report.

"It seems like tobacco is always a target when the government is trying to raise money," Vas said. "I don't think that's fair at all." Vas would prefer lawmakers look at taxing other industries that are considered unhealthy. "Fast food is a perfect example. It's too cheap and easy to buy a Big Mac, and that impacts how many people?" Vas said.

The governor will announce his formal plans on tobacco next year. Senate president Steve Morris said he'd support a tobacco tax increase. He said it's probably the only tax increase that has any chance of getting through the legislature.

Reference: Kansas Cigarette Tax Hike Likely Governor proposes boost from 79 cents to $1.34, CSP Daily News, 12/31/2009.

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