Tuesday, January 12, 2010

North Carolina - no longer has all failing grades on discouraging tobacco use..

January 12, 2010 - North Carolina no longer has all failing grades on discouraging tobacco use – but don't attribute the change to the new ban on smoking in restaurants and bars.

The American Lung Association gave a "C" and three "Fs" to North Carolina in its annual State of Tobacco Control report of the 50 states and federal government released Tuesday. North Carolina had all "Fs" one year ago.

The report gave North Carolina an "F" on smoke-free air because there are no statewide smoking restrictions for most private work sites, stores and recreation areas.

The state got the "C" for better smoking cessation programs for Medicaid patients and state employees. North Carolina also received failing grades for its cigarette tax and spending on tobacco control programs.

Reference: Report: N.C. still gets mostly Fs on tobacco control, Associated Press - WRAL.com, 1/12/2010.

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