Monday, February 8, 2010

Greece - latest attempt at a smoking ban failing..

No Smoking..
Europe’s heaviest smoking nation tried to kick the habit by banning tobacco in indoor public places but many doubt the ban will work. (Greece - will the July 1st smoking ban work??)

Greece May Have the Highest Cigarette Consumption Per Person in the World..
EU percent of adults smokers -highest Greece 1 , Bulgaria 2.. - lowest Slovenia..

VIDEO - BBC News: Greece fails on stamping out smoking, 2/8/2010

More than six months later officials were conceding the ban on smoking in public places, the third attempt to stamp out the habit, is failing (reported Friday, February 5th). Similar laws introduced in 2002 and 2003 went largely unheeded in a country where nearly 45 percent of adults smoke and where puffing on cigarettes in offices and cafes is seen as a traditional pastime.

According to a report in the Greek daily Kathimerini, despite awareness campaigns that were initially well received by the public in the countdown to the ban, the necessary reforms have not been carried out to ensure that the restrictions are enforced.

As a result, smoking continues in most bars and cafes, public offices and hospitals, according to Panayiotis Behrakis, the head of the steering committee set up to oversee the implementation of the restrictions. "The whole country is smoking," Behrakis was quoted as saying to Kathimerini.

Under the new law, anyone caught lighting up will now be subject to a 1,000 euros (1,400 dollars) fine, whilst establishments that do not comply with the new regulations risk losing licenses.

Britain, Ireland, France, Germany and other EU states have already introduced public smoking bans.

But, considering Greece's patchy track record for implementing new laws, it appears that the new law, which allows for some loopholes and is largely unpopular has proved to be unsuccessful. One of the problems seems to be that bar and cafe owners have submitted incomplete applications for revised operating licenses. Small cafes and restaurants with premises measuring less than 70 square metres have had to choose between becoming tobacco-free or admitting only patrons who smoke. In addition, companies with more than 50 employees will be able to set up dedicated smoking areas on their premises.

Each year, 20,000 people in the nation of 11 million die from tobacco-related illnesses, according to European Commission figures that place Greece ahead of Bulgaria at 39 per cent and Latvia, 37 per cent of the share of adult smokers. A 2007 survey found the number of smokers in Greece had risen 10 per cent in a decade while other developed nations were kicking the habit.

Reference: Greece's smoking ban not working, say officials, by: German news agency dpa, Earth Times, 2/5/2010.

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(Hellenic Republic)

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