Thursday, February 4, 2010

Missouri - state wide smoking ban proposed..

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February 4, 2010 - Two St. Louis-area legislators proposed legislation to ban smoking in many public places statewide. The bill, which has not yet been assigned to a committee, would ban smoking in restaurants, bars, shopping malls and gambling facilities, among other public places.

Critics of the legislation, including Senate leadership, say the proposal is unlikely to pick up much steam. Last year, Sen. Joan Bray, D-St. Louis, sponsored a smoking ban bill, but it received little support from other lawmakers and was never heard in committee.

Missouri has NO smoking ban and has resisted any increase in the cigarette tax last increased in 1993. The tax on a pack of cigarettes stands at 17 cents the second lowest in the nation and Missouri has the 4th highest smoking rate.
Three of Missouri's largest cities — Kansas City, Springfield and Columbia — already have some form of indoor smoking ban. Last November 2009, St. Louis County voters approved an anti-smoking measure that will trigger a ban in the city of St. Louis as well. Both the St. Louis and St. Louis County bans take effect next year. (St. Louis City and County - voters approve smoking ban but NOT effective until January 2, 2011..; Missouri - some cities becoming smoke free but NOT the state..)

The state measure would contain fewer exemptions, which helped it garner the support of groups such as the American Cancer Society, which did not endorse the county and city bans.

More Smoke Free Missouri..

VIDEO - Youth-Show-Me-Smoke-Free News Broadcast..

Reference: Bill calls for statewide smoking ban in Missouri by Juana Summers, ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, 2/2/2010.

Missouri - related news briefs:
St. Louis City and County - voters approve smoking ban but NOT effective unitl January 2, 2011..;
Missouri - 2nd lowest cigarette tax and 4th highest smoking rate..;
Missouri - fire-safe cigarettes delayed until January 2011..;
St. Louis County - joint statement;
Premium Cigar Store Owners Unite to Fight Proposed St. Louis County Smoking Ban Vote..;
Missouri - some cities becoming smoke free but NOT the state..;
West Saint (St.) Louis County - NO Smoking - firefighters or EMS personnel...

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