Monday, February 15, 2010

Poland - disappointment , full parliament sends smoking ban bill back to committee to weaken bill..

February 15, 2010 - As predicted by Joanna Mucha, a Civic Platform (PO) member of the Health Commission the bill proposing a complete ban on smoking in public places was very unlikely to be accepted in its current form. (Poland - pubs and restaurants fear bankruptcy if smoking ban becomes law..)

Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) inspectors slammed Poland for its ineffective anti-smoking campaigns, half-hearted legislation and low priced cigarettes. (
WHO slams Poland’s fight against smoking, New Poland Expres (NPE), 11/6/2009.

Poland’s parliament has returned a draft anti-smoking bill to the Sejm (Lower Parliament) Health Committee, asking it to consider replacing its total ban on tobacco smoking in public places with one that provides some alternatives for bars and restaurants. It has been suggested that the owners of premises occupying less than 100 square meters should have the right to decide whether or not smoking is permitted, while bigger premises should be allowed to have separate smoking and non-smoking sections.

Reference: Poland seeking accommodation with smokers, Tobacco Reporter, 2/15/2010.

Related news briefs:
Poland - pubs and restaurants fear bankruptcy if smoking ban becomes law..;
Poland - lower house of parliament (Sejm) will vote Friday, February 12th on smoking ban..;
Poland - son suing Philip Morris Polska and Zakłady Przemysłu Tytoniowego over death of his mother..;
Poland to ban smoking in indoor public places, in passenger cars if children present and prohibit display of cigarettes..;

1 comment:

  1. I wish there would have had alternatives for bars and businesses in the US. My business almost went under because of the complete ban. I started letting my customers smoke electronic cigarettes and my business is coming back.
