Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Switzerland - three holes let smoker have cigarette outside..

February 16, 2010 - The three holes enable patrons to stick their heads through the larger top hole and their hands through the other two so they can technically have a cigarette outside. (This same technique has been used in Bavaria, Germany..)

Dino Lottaz, 49, devised the smoking wall in his Restaurant Caravelle in Bosingen, in the canton of Fribourg Canton, Switzerland (located in the west of the country, Switzerland consists of 26 cantons (member states), when local authorities introduced a ban on smoking in public areas, including bars and restaurants, this month.

He said: "I enjoy a cigarette myself so I know how smokers feel. Someone suggested cutting holes in the wall. It's a bit of a joke but it actually works quite well. It can get very cold sometimes so it's not really an option to stand outside for a smoke. "My clients seem to approve. They can legally have a cigarette without leaving the establishment."

Reference: Swiss smoking ban evaded by holes in wall A Swiss bar owner has devised a novel way to beat the smoking ban by cutting a series of holes in the wall by Alexandra Williams in Geneva, Telegraph.co.uk, 2/16/2010.

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