Thursday, March 4, 2010

Swedish Match - launches General Snus Campaign in U.S..

March 4, 2010 - At the end of 2009, Swedish Match and Lorillard agreed to end their joint venture testing of Triumph snus in the US. Swedish Match indicated they would continue to market snus, primarily using the General brand. (More - Lorillard will launch new moist smokeless product in not-too-distant future..)

General Snus, the original Scandinavian snus introduced more than two centuries ago in Sweden, is now commanding a promotional army in the United States. Swedish Match has launched a multi-million-dollar campaign aimed at introducing the refrigerated pouches to upscale audiences in key U.S. markets and at high-end events, including the Sundance Film Festival and New York's Fashion Week.

Sold in chilled pouches that are placed inconspicuously under the user's upper lip, snus is a popular form of smokefree (and spitless) tobacco that is popular among white-collar professionals throughout Scandinavia, where it first originated in the early 19th century. While the category is still in its infancy in the United States, snus has experienced tremendous growth since its first introduction domestically in 2000, the company said. (NOT TRUE -
Dr. Gregory N. Connolly, a Harvard public health professor: “It is worth noting that for every pack of snus sold in the U.S., about 3,000 packs of lights are sold..” ; How's SNUS doing in the U.S. - will Susan Ivey tell us the truth??)

SNUS - General Information..
The Art of SNUSing..

The new General Snus campaign—with the theme "Satisfaction: the Original Pursuit" — kicked off last month at the Sundance Film Festival where Swedish Match staged a visible presence as the exclusive category sponsor. A similar effort will take place throughout New York's Fashion Week as well as at art shows and festivals in New York, Chicago and other major markets.

"In Scandinavia, snus has traditionally appealed to a higher-end demographic, which is why the focus of our General Snus 'Satisfaction' campaign is focused on reaching adult trendsetters," said Brian Gray, senior brand manager for Swedish Match. We are excited at the prospect of introducing this relatively new snus category to some of the country's more influential tastemakers. We believe that General Snus can command the category."

In addition to its presence at fashionable events, the General Snus campaign will target four major U.S. markets, New York, Chicago, Denver and Dallas, as well as popular ski destinations throughout the Rockies (Vail, Aspen and Breckenridge, Colo., Taos, N.M., Salt Lake City, Utah and Jackson Hole, Wyo.). The emphasis will be on introducing the product to adult consumers, particularly patrons of bars, clubs and other entertainment venues as well as those professionals working in urban office buildings and office parks. The company will distribute as many as 500,000 samples.

The promotional campaign, which will take place throughout the first half of the year, also includes sponsorships of professional skiers and snowboarders as well as a major sweepstakes. More details on both elements of the campaign will be announced later. In addition, the company will undertake an email and social media campaign incorporating Facebook and Twitter in particular.

"General Snus is currently available in about 600 specialty tobacconist stores throughout the country as well as selected retailers," Gray said. "Our goal of this promotional campaign is to double that distribution within the first year, ultimately growing to more than1, 200 outlets. Given the fact that there are an ever-decreasing number of places where tobacco users can light up, we think that General Snus will provide a convenient and enjoyable alternative to smoking."

Some Swedish Match brands Red Man, Timber Wolf, and Longhorn. Swedish Match U.S. Sales is headquartered in Richmond, Va.

Swedish Match Launches General Snus Campaign Smokeless promotion targeting key upscale U.S. markets, CSP Daily News, 3/4/2010.

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