Monday, May 17, 2010

Canada - Supreme Court decision coming: can government be added as a defendant..

May 17, 2010 - The Supreme Court of Canada on Thursday, May 20th is releasing its judgment on the tobacco industry's application to have Ottawa [Canadian Government] added as a defendant in the suit. The tobacco companies argue Ottawa should also be held liable as "senior partners" of the industry by keeping it legal and collecting tax from it.

The tobacco industry has long argued that government should share in any responsibility for damages because they were "partners" in the sale of tobacco by keeping it legal and collecting tax revenue from it. (
Canada - Tobacco companies win partial legal victory..)

British Columbia (B.C.) was the first province to file a lawsuit against Big Tobacco, trying to recoup billions of dollars in costs to treat smoking-related illnesses. Alberta joins some other provinces in suing tobacco companies..

Canada - tobacco companies may face C$200 billion in claims..

Reference: Judgment on Ottawa's inclusion in B.C.'s tobacco lawsuit coming Thursday Supreme Court of Canada to release judgement, Treena Wood,, 5/17.2010.

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