Wednesday, May 19, 2010

City of San Luis Obispo, California bans smoking nearly in all public places starting Thursday, May 20th..

May 19, 2010 - Under the new law smoking is prohibited in indoor and outdoor areas frequented by the public, including sidewalks, parking garages, bars, restaurants, stores, stadiums, playgrounds and transit centers.

Lighting up in outdoor areas is also banned in areas that are within 20 feet of indoor areas. Exceptions include private residential units and designated hotel rooms, existing tobacco retailers, and outdoor areas in which no nonsmoker is present.

Bars that don't serve food could designate a smoking area located at least five feet from any doorway. The San Luis Obispo City Council approved the new law in April, following a vote in December to ban smoking in Mission Plaza, the downtown creek area and the city's parks. The citywide ban puts San Luis Obispo in the same class with two dozen other California cities that have banned smoking from all areas frequented by the public, including multi-unit residential areas. In 1990, San Luis Obispo, Calif., became the first city in the world to ban smoking at all indoor public places. Arizona became the first state in the USA to pass a comprehensive law restricting smoking in public places in 1973. California enacted a workplace smoking ban in 1994, and a complete smoking ban in enclosed spaces in 1998. Smoking Ban,

Currently, more than 100 cities have adopted more stringent ordinances prohibiting smoking from outdoor recreation areas. Locally, Arroyo Grande, Atascadero, Morro Bay and Pismo Beach have banned smoking from public parks, beaches, open space, sports facilities, skate parks, biking trails and dog parks. Police will not actively enforce the smoking ban but may issue citations for violations.

Reference: San Luis Obispo's public smoking ban goes into effect The Tribune, 5/19/2010.

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