Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Brunei - smoking ban looks like it will work - ENFORCEMENT STRONG..

June 15, 2010 - A total of 72 people were caught smoking in prohibited public areas yesterday, an offence under Chapter 14, Tobacco Order 2005.

In the operation conducted by the Enforcement Unit of Tobacco Control Section, Ministry of Health at two shopping centres in Gadong, 62 of those caught, including six local women, were compounded $150 per person. The other 10, who were youths under the age of 18, will be enlisted into counselling programmes with the help of their parents and guardians.

The Ministry of Health reminded the public again that if anyone is caught smoking in public areas such as shophouse sidewalks, shopping centres, markets, food stalls, bus stations, bus stops, restaurants and government buildings will have to pay a compound of $150 (107.5 USD) for the first offence, $300 (215 USD) for the second offence. For subsequent offences, the offender will be brought to court and fined up to $1,000 (717.6 USD) if convicted.

In addition, failure to display the no-smoking signs in shops selling tobacco is an offence under Chapter 11, Tobacco Order 2005. Any shop owner that fails to do so will be fined up to $10,000 (7,166.31 USD) if convicted. The ministry will continue to carry out such operations and take action according to the laws set and fine anyone caught for the offence under the Order and its rules.

Reference: 72 caught for smoking in public places, The Brunei Times, 6/14/2010.

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