Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Ireland - highest tobacco prices in the EU..

June 29, 2010 - Ireland has the highest tobacco prices in the European Union (EU) – it costs more than twice the average.

These data come from a report issued by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. The results refer to the survey on food, beverage and tobacco prices carried out in 2009 in the 37 participating countries. This survey covered a total of about 500 comparable products.

Ireland has the highest prices for food and non-alcoholic drinks in the European Union and this despite more than 15 months of deflation. Prices in Ireland are on average nearly 30 per cent higher than the EU average. Only Denmark has higher prices – things cost almost 40 percent more than the EU average there. To put these numbers into perspective, prices in the UK are a measly 3 per cent above the EU average.

Some of the top line numbers are really shocking. Along with Cyprus, Ireland has the highest prices in the EU for dairy produce and it costs 37 per cent more here than the EU average. Think about all the cows in this country and all the milk and cheese that is locally produced yet still prices are nearly 40 per cent higher than the EU average.

For more price comparisons: Ireland cheapest in Europe! As if…, Conor Pope, IrishTimes.com, 6/28/2010.

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