Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Canada - loophole flavored cigarettes, cigarillos banned, manufactures may start making larger flavored cigars..

July 6, 2010 - Manufacturers and retailers may be adhering to the letter of the law concerning the federal government's amendment to the Tobacco Act, which makes it illegal to sell flavoured "small cigars" -- cigarillos and cigarettes -- they certainly aren't adhering to the spirit of the law.

Ontario Health Promotion Minister Margarett Best warned that some tobacco companies seem to be intent on manoeuvring around our health protection laws. The ban that took effect on July 1, 2010 prohibits the sale and distribution of flavoured cigarillos, with the exception of menthol flavour. The province also is requiring unflavoured cigarillos to be sold in packages of at least 20, the same as cigarettes, in an effort to make the little cigars unaffordable for young people. (Canada - ban on flavored tobacco products comes into effect July 2010..)

The amendment actually became law in the fall but included a transition period for retailers and manufacturers to adjust. The nine-month transition period was too long and allowed manufacturers to find loopholes in the law.

Since the regulation applies only to items Health Canada believed were being geared toward youngsters, irresponsible manufacturers started making flavoured, larger cigars and they have replaced the smaller cigarillos on some tobacco shelves in Nanaimo. A spokesman with Health Canada said the agency will be carefully monitoring the marketing and sale of the flavoured cigars to ensure young people are not the target market for them. If not young people, then who? Health Canada already is saying it may have to alter the amended Tobacco Act if it finds flavoured cigars are popular among youngsters.

Is it true that flavoured cigars are illegal for sale in Canada after July 2010?

Reference: Loophole in Tobacco Act being exploited, Canada.com Daily News, 7/6/2010.

Canada - cigarillo news briefs:
Canada - ban on flavored tobacco products comes into effect July 2010..);
Canada - youth survey finds levels of cigarillo use persist, but users don't consider themselves 'smokers'..;
Canada - bill to ban flavored tobacco products gets final approval - Burley Tobacco..;
Canadian bill to ban flavored tobacco products worries Kentucky burley growers..;
Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey - 2008..;
Canadian House of Commons passes bill to prevent production of mini-cigars or cigarillos..;
Canada - Bill C-32 to amend Tobacco Products Control Act..;
Canada - federal government introduces legislation to ban flavored tobacco products..;
Quebec - Teens Switch from Cigarettes to Cigarillos..;
Canada - little cigar/cigarillos smoking declined from 2007 - 2008..;
Canadian Cancer Society calls for federal ban on flavored cigars..;
Ontario to outlaw candy flavored cigars..;
Ontario poised to ban flavored cigarillos..;
Canada: a bill introduced to snuff out drive to recruit young smokers..;
Still sucking our youngsters in...

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