Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Canada - tobacco products readily available on Native reservations.

July 7, 2010 - To mark the coming into force today, July 5th of Bill C-32, which prohibits the sale of small flavoured cigarillos in Canada's 23,500 convenience stores, the Canadian Convenience Stores Association (CCSA) has released new irrefutable evidence that illustrates the alarming extent of the irresponsible sale of tobacco and flavoured cigarillos on native reservations in Quebec and Ontario.

(The bill is known as the Bill C-32 - Cracking Down on Tobacco Marketing Aimed at Youth Act.)

This evidence shows smoke shacks on Native reserves operating above the law and in many cases, selling industrial quantities of cigarettes, even to minors, without collecting or paying any taxes.

"For the first time, we are showing Canadians that the irresponsible large-scale selling of contraband tobacco on Native reservations is nothing but a national disgrace caused and tolerated by the federal government," said Michel Gadbois, senior vice-president of the CCSA. "With Bill C-32, Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq just makes things worse by giving smugglers and criminals a monopoly on little flavoured cigarillos."

The seven-minute video entitled 'Inside Smoke Shacks' was produced last week using a hidden camera. A private investigator commissioned by the CCSA visited and filmed inside 10 tobacco shacks chosen at random on the Kahnawake and Kanesatake reservations in Quebec. One can easily see tobacco products on the shelves (not hidden), a very broad selection (native or imitation commercial brands, and in bags) at widely varying prices (as little as $11 for a carton of cigarettes, compared with $75 on average at convenience stores), an enormous inventory and, especially, a range of flavoured cigarillos at a third or half their legal price.

View VIDEO - Inside Smoke Shacks..

In addition, the CCSA has released a second video, 'Irresponsable sale on Six Nations', which shows results of a first sting operation on the Six Nations reservation in Ontario. A 15-year-old girl visited 10 tobacco shacks to try and buy flavoured cigarillos. In eight smoke shacks, she was able to buy tobacco products with no difficulty, without being asked her age or to produce ID, which shows the lack of responsibility on Native reservations and band councils that tolerate similar set-ups on their territory.

View VIDEO - Irresponsible tobacco sale on Six Nations reserve (Ontario)..

"If she really has the kid's health at heart, Minister Aglukkaq's top priority should be the fight against contraband tobacco and nothing else, and that, until the situation is rectified," Mr. Gadbois concluded.

Reference: Irresponsible sale of tobacco on Native reservations - C-store industry shows Canadians the real extent of the contraband tobacco scourge and Bill C-32 impact, CCSA,, 7/5/2010.

Canada - cigarillo news briefs:
Canada - loophole flavored cigarettes, cigarillos banned, manufactures may start making larger flavored cigars..;
Canada - ban on flavored tobacco products comes into effect July 2010..);
Canada - youth survey finds levels of cigarillo use persist, but users don't consider themselves 'smokers'..;
Canada - bill to ban flavored tobacco products gets final approval - Burley Tobacco..;
Canadian bill to ban flavored tobacco products worries Kentucky burley growers..;
Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey - 2008..;
Canadian House of Commons passes bill to prevent production of mini-cigars or cigarillos..;
Canada - Bill C-32 to amend Tobacco Products Control Act..;
Canada - federal government introduces legislation to ban flavored tobacco products..;
Quebec - Teens Switch from Cigarettes to Cigarillos..;
Canada - little cigar/cigarillos smoking declined from 2007 - 2008..;
Canadian Cancer Society calls for federal ban on flavored cigars..;
Ontario to outlaw candy flavored cigars..;
Ontario poised to ban flavored cigarillos..;
Canada: a bill introduced to snuff out drive to recruit young smokers..;
Still sucking our youngsters in...


  1. I think this is a total B.S thing! sure, their trying to protect youth. but, really. There is millions of people, (over 18) that wont be happy when they can no longer buy their favorite cigar or chew. A total ban of the product? now that's just stupid. I personally think the government has more important things to worry about then youth and tobacco. There is millions of homeless people out there that they could be helping, if someone choses to smoke/chew that's their choice, and no one should force them to stop!
    stupid stupid idea the government just came up with thats for sure! soon their gonna ban all alcohol!! Actually, LOTS OF YOUTH DRINK TO, so Stephan Harper. Maybe you should ban all booze to? cause under age people consume it?!

  2. i agree, this is bull, i know so m,any people that smoke cigars, the flavor isnt hurting people!
