Sunday, July 4, 2010

United Kingdom - govt coalition no plans to review smoking ban..

July 4, 2010 - Smoke-free legislation was enforce across the UK by July 2007 (England - July 1, 2007, Scotland - March 26, 2006, Wales - April 2, 2007, Northern Ireland - April 30, 2007). It outlaws smoking in enclosed public places, such as offices, bingo halls, pubs, restaurants and cafes.

The previous Labour administration had promised it would be looked at again in autumn 2010, but the coalition says it has "no plans" to do so.

Publicans - who feared a review would extend the ban into beer gardens and doorways, damaging trade - backed a campaign to partially lift the ban.

Calls for the ban to be reversed are among the most popular suggestions on a new government website, Your Freedom, which asks the public for ideas on which existing laws and regulations should be repealed.

But a Department of Health spokeswoman told the BBC: "We currently have no plans for a review."

Directly related news brief: United Kingdom - smokers want smoking ban extended for kids in play areas and in cars..

Reference: 'No plans' for smoking ban review, BBC News, 7/1/2010.

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(UK, Britain, Empire)

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