Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Indiana - statewide program offers money to smokers that quit..

August 17, 2010 - An Indiana agency is looking to extinguish smoking statewide. Using money from tobacco company settlements, state health officials will divvy out $5,000 among three Indiana smokers who cut the habit.

The program is called "Quit Now Indiana." To apply, you must have quit after June 1st and remain cigarette free until the end of October. Health officials say that five grand could save the state billions.

"A little over $2 billion is spent in health care costs for smokers and another $2.6 billion is spent in productivity losses. So for the state of Indiana we spend close to $5 billion annually taking care of smokers,” said Jill Sabo of Tobacco Free St. Joseph County.


Reference: Statewide program offers thousand of dollars to Hoosiers who quit smoking, elise.yahner@wndu.com, WNDU.com, 8/16/2010.

A few Indiana related news briefs:
Indiana - again statewide smoking ban passes house but ban still in doubt..;
Indiana - no statewide smoking ban this year for, "The ash tray of the Midwest"..;
Indiana - weak statewide smoke ban being considered..;
Indianapolis, Indiana - tobacco control people are furious - city used as test market again..;
Elkhart, Indiana - smoking ban stands no exemption for bars..;
Indiana - fire-safe cigarettes - July 1, 2009..;
Children in Indiana starting to use smokless tobacco products..;
Congratulations to the Great State of Indiana..;

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