Friday, August 20, 2010

Maldives - president ratifies Tobacco Control bill passed by Parliament..

Click to enlarge, Maldives Coat-of-Arms:

August 20, 2010 - MALE, Maldives – President Mohamed Nasheed Wednesday, August 18th ratified Tobacco Control Bill passed by the parliament on August 2.

The bill submitted by the government on July 22, 2009 prohibited public smoking. However, the parliamentary committee that studied the bill amended the article allowing smoking in public places such as parks and halls. (Tobacco control bill passed allowing public smoking,, 8/2/2010)

The Act states measures to control tobacco use including prohibition of growing and advertising tobacco and tobacco products, how such products could be imported and exported, how they can be wholesaled and retailed. It also states standards for packaging and labelling tobacco products and principles for taxing such products.

According to the Act, smoking is not allowed in a workplace or part of a workplace specified by a regulation.

The Act specifies smoking be prohibited in health centres, mosques, child welfare centres, educational institutes, government authorities, sports institutes, and playgrounds. It also makes involving a minor in trade or use of tobacco illegal.

The Act makes it mandatory for the President to appoint a Tobacco Control Board within 60 days of ratification. The board should be headed by a cabinet minister and should consist of representatives from relevant government ministries, tobacco control experts, public health experts, consumer protection groups, civil society and commercial organisations.

Previous news brief: October 2009 - Maldives - tobacco control bill under consideration..

Reference: President ratifies Tobacco Control Bill,, 8/19/2010.

Maldives signed (May 17, 2004) and ratified (May 20, 2004) the
WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) Treaty.

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