Tuesday, August 10, 2010

New Zealand - study revives interest in keeping tobacco hidden..

August 10, 2010 - A study linking shop tobacco displays to increased smoking experimentation by young people reinforces the need to legislate the products out of sight, an anti-tobacco group says. The study from the Stanford University Medical School that appears in the August, 2010 issue of the journal Pediatrics finds that point-of-sale tobacco advertising is a major cause of teen smoking in the United States and should be banned. (Study finds teens twice as likely to try smoking if they frequent stores plastered with cigarette ads..)

After the Government previously refused to ban retail displays, officials are now considering afresh whether to recommend the policy, one which tobacco control researchers say would be important in reducing New Zealand's smoking rate. (New Zealand - government may NOT support tobacco display bans..; New Zealand More Evidence Needed to Ban Tobacco and Cigarette Displays..)

New Zealand law does not permit advertising, but Smokefree Coalition director Prudence Stone said the Californian study was still relevant for this country because the "power walls" of tobacco displays in many shops were a form of advertising.

The Stanford study followed 1681 children aged 11 to 14 who, at the outset, had never smoked. They were asked subsequently if they had smoked and how often they visited the three kinds of shops. After one year, the students who visited these stores at least twice a week were at least twice as likely to try smoking as infrequent visitors.

The findings corroborate those of a New Zealand-based study published last year which found that the risk of experimenting with smoking was higher for teenagers aged 14-15 who visited shops with retail tobacco displays weekly or more frequently.
(New Zealand - study, tobacco displays leads to increase in youth smoking..)

The Stanford University study concluded: "A growing body of evidence suggests that stores that are saturated with cigarette advertising and product displays constitute a significant public health concern, particularly for youth."

Health Minister Tony Ryall last year rejected the recommendation of Parliament's health select committee to ban retail tobacco displays. But he left the door ajar to reconsideration if new research indicated a ban would lead to "a significant reduction" in smoking.

Associate Health Minister Tariana Turia revived the proposal in March. The Health Ministry said it had analysed the 1000 submissions it received and was writing a report which Mrs Turia was expected to take to the Cabinet later this year.

Dr Stone said: "We believe the consultation process highlighted the fact that new evidence had come to light that strongly supports the need for a ban. "We now know [displays] encourage youth to take up smoking. I have certainly forwarded that Pediatrics article to Tariana Turia's office."

Retailers' groups and New Zealand's biggest tobacco supplier, British American Tobacco, have opposed the proposed display ban.

Reference: Study 'supports need to keep tobacco hidden' by Martin Johnston, NZherald.co.nz, 8/10/2010.

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New Zealand - revenue department has begun a review of BAT financial transactions..;
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New Zealand - Christchurch prepares for meeting with tobacco select committee..;
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New Zealand - Maori women - almost 50% smoke..;
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New Zealand - study, tobacco displays leads to increase in youth smoking..;
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New Zealand - health researchers calling on government to ban importation of tobacco..;
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New Zealand - government may NOT support tobacco display bans..;
New Zealand More Evidence Needed to Ban Tobacco and Cigarette Displays..;
More evidence - tobacco displays increase the risk of teens smoking..;
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Country to Eliminate Smoking - The South Pacific nation of Niue;
Ireland to ban tobacco displays..;
Smokefree NZ within 10 years..;
By law, oral snuff cannot (but nasal snuff is allowed) be sold in New Zealand and can be imported only for personal use..

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