Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tobacco International: A conversation with an PMI executive..

August 11, 2010 -

Click on image below to enlarge..

PRC=People's Republic of China

from Tobacco Journal International May/June 2010.. The editor, Evan Dashevsky had a conversation with Peter Nixon, PMI’s Vice President of Communications on how the company plans to maintain its position in today’s tumultuous industry.

Philip Morris International by Evan Dashevsky..

PMI divides their markets into four geographic regions, which constitute our segments for financial reporting purposes:

• The European Union (“EU”) Region is headquartered in Lausanne, Switzerland and covers all the EU countries except for Slovenia, Bulgaria and Romania, and also comprises Switzerland, Norway and Iceland, which are linked to the EU through trade agreements.

• The Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa (“EEMA”) Region is also headquartered in Lausanne and covers the Balkans (including Slovenia, Bulgaria and Romania), the former Soviet Union (excluding Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania), Mongolia, Turkey, the Middle East and Africa and our international duty free business.

• The Asia Region is headquartered in Hong Kong and covers all other Asian countries as well as Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands.

• The Latin America & Canada Region is headquartered in New York and covers the South American continent, Central America, Mexico, the Caribbean and Canada.

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