Thursday, September 16, 2010

ALA - helping smokers quit saves lives and offers favorable economic benefits to states..

September 16, 2010 - A new study released by the American Lung Association (ALA), and conducted by researchers at Penn State University, finds that helping smokers quit not only saves lives but also offers favorable economic benefits to states. For every $1 spent on helping smokers quit, states would see $1.26 return

Researchers at Penn State University conducted this nationwide cost-benefit analysis. The American Lung Association is pleased to share the study’s important results. Funding for the Penn State research was provided through an unrestricted research grant from Pfizer, Inc. and funding for this project was made possible through collaboration with Pfizer, Inc. Pfizer maker of the smoking cessation drug Chantix (Champix), a drug that has been linked to many serious and even fatal side effects. (Champix (Chantix) - the risks are greater then the benefits..)

The Penn State researchers set out to determine if overall there were financial advantages to states offering smoking cessation treatments that outweighed the cost of the treatments plus any losses to state tax revenues and to retailers from fewer people smoking.

About the Study – Frequently Asked Questions..

American Medical Association (AMA) supports the new American Lung Association Report Showing Economic Benefits of Smoking Cessation Programs. (AMA Supports New American Lung Association Report Showing Economic Benefits of Smoking Cessation Programs Encourages states to implement evidence-based smoking cessation, Barbara McAneny, MD Board Member, AMA, 9/14/2010.

ALA’s receives support from pharmaceutical companies. In the second quarter of 2009 alone, the American Lung Association (ALA) received more than $1.5 million from Pfizer, manufacturer of Chantix and Nicotrol. Moreover, Pfizer is a sponsor of the Lung Association’s Freedom from Smoking program. The financial connection is so strong that the American Lung Association goes so far as to promote Pfizer on its web site. (American Lung Association Wants You To Smoke!, Prochroma)

Reference: Helping Smokers Quit: State Cessation Coverage, American Lung Association, 9/2010.

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