Thursday, September 30, 2010

BAT - dramatized short film on illicit trade in tobacco products..

September 30, 2010 - British American Tobacco (BAT) has placed on its website a short film presenting a dramatized account of how some anti-tobacco initiatives are tending to increase the illicit trade in tobacco products.

The film is approximately 8 minutes.

Film - Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products..

The European Commission has estimated that counterfeit and smuggled tobacco products cost the European Union (EU) and national governments up to €10 billion (13.63 billion USD) annually in unpaid taxes. (European Union (EU) - tobacco firms are contributing funds to the fight against cigarette smuggling..)

Imperial Tobacco Canada Ltd, a unit of BAT admitted on Thursday (7/31/2008) they had aided the contraband tobacco trade. (Canada tobacco firms admit aiding smuggling..)

Reference: Film presents dramatic account of illicit trade, Tobacco Reporter, 9/29/2010.

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