Thursday, September 16, 2010

Botswana - want to repeal the smoking act of 1992 and develop a new one aligned with FCTC..

September 16, 2010 - Back in May 2010 we reported that the lenient tobacco control and regulation in Botswana has prompted the University of Botswana to enter into an agreement with the Africa Tobacco Control Regional Initiative (ATCRI) in the Africa Tobacco Situational Analysis (ATCSA) Project.
(Botswana - university taking charge of tobacco control..)

Now the Ministry of Health (MoH) together with University of Botswana(UB) Department of Environmental Health and other non-governmental institutions have proposed that the Government should repeal the control of smoking Act of 1992 and develop the Tobacco Products Bill.

Speaking at a workshop for Tobacco Control Awareness held at Cresta President Hotel, Gaesi Mophuting from the Department of Public Health said “The new law is being developed so that it is aligned to the principles of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC).”

The proposed Bill intends to introduce a complete ban of smoking in public places and also completely ban advertising, marketing and promotion of tobacco and related products.

More to read see reference number one.

Reference: MoH to repeal the Control of Smoking Act 1992 by TEFO PHEAGE, The Botswana Gazette, 9/15/2010.

Directly related news brief:
Botswana - university taking charge of tobacco control..;
Tobacco companies frustrate Africa's fight against smoking..
Internatinal Development Research Center (IDRC): Projects in Botswana..

Botswana has ratified (July 2005) the
WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) Treaty.

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