Thursday, September 23, 2010

The New Big Tobacco: Inside Canada’s underground tobacco industry, a five-part series..

Photo by: Graham Hughes for National Post..

September 23, 2010 - Started on Saturday, September 19th a five-part National Post series by Tom Blackwell takes readers inside the Mohawk-dominated contraband business and its spinoffs, and through the prickly politics that has allowed it to flourish for almost a decade.

The complete series on the contraband tobacco industry:

The New Big Tobacco — Part One of Five: Native-made cigarettes bring wealth and disapproval to reserves

The New Big Tobacco - Part Two of Five: A different kind of 'grow op' The Post looks at how Ontario farmers are feeding a growing underground economy.

The New Big Tobacco - Part Three of Five: 'There's nothing we've done that's illegal' The Post explores the growing debate over organized crime’s role.

The New Big Tobacco - Part Four of Five: The New Big Tobacco: Contraband capital

The New Big Tobacco - Part Five of Five: The high cost of cheap smokes

More information: Canada’s Boom in Smuggled Cigarettes Indian Tobacco Factories, Organized Crime Control a Billion-Dollar Black Market by William Marsden, The Center for Public Integrity, 3/27/2009.

Canada - cigarette smuggling (illicit, illegal) related briefs:
Canada - federal govt announced new initiatives to combat cigarette smuggling..;
Canada - even federal servants smoke illegal cigarettes..;
Canada - tobacco firms settle cigarette smuggling case..;
Ontario - NO new measures to curb youth smoking..;
Ontario - don't cut provincial tobacco taxes to try to reduce contraband tobacco traffic..;
Canada - nearly one in five packs of cigarettes smoked by Canadian teen smokers are contraband products..;
Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey - 2008..;
Ontario, Canada - illegal cigarettes are everywhere..;
Canada - half of smokers have tried to quit..;
Canada - illegal cigarette trade - Imperial Tobacco President Kemball comments..;
Canada - Imperial Tobacco Head - Illegal Cigarettes..;
Imperial Tobacco - Canada Head - Canada growing crisis of illicit tobacco sales..; Imperial Canada - stop illegal tobacco sales rather than raisng tax on tobacco..; Canada - will higher tobacco prices lead to increase in illicit cigarettes..;
Canada - to launch an advertising campaign on the problem of tobacco smuggling..;
Nova Scotia - buying smuggled tobacco you encourage organized crime..; Ontario Businessmen - want government to crack down on illegal cigarettes..;
Imperial Tobacco Canada - slow illegal cigarettes/sue tobacco companies..;
As tobacco prices rise - increase in illegal cigarette trafficing..; Canada - Obama visit - help STOP cigarette smuggling from U.S..;
Canada economic recession losing billions in unpaid tobacco taxes..;
Canada - Police arrest 46 in tobacco crackdown..;
Imperial Tobacco Survey - Canadian Illegal Tobacco Trade..;
Canada - Introduction of Tobacco Stamp to combat contraband...

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