Sunday, September 12, 2010

Pakistan beats India introducing - pictorial warnings on cigarette packs.. - REALLY..

September 12, 2010 - The pictorial warnings on all tobacco products that were supposed to become mandatory from 30 November 2008 in India. Pakistan - pictorial health warnings on cigarette packs and cartons soon..

In India the pictorial warnings were proposed in July 2006 under the Cigarette and Other Tobacco Products Act, 2003.

India - high court rules in favor of tobacco companies that violated cigarettes with pictorial warnings rule..

Pakistan's healthcare authorities have failed several times to implement the decision regarding enforcing pictorial warnings on cigarette packs. (Pakistan - pictorial health warnings on cigarette packs will be enforced from June 1, 2010..;Pakistan - govt misses deadline to implement pictorial tobacco warnings..

Now Pakistan has introduced gory pictorial warnings on all tobacco packs from August 30, 2010 in a bid to deter consumers from smoking or chewing tobacco.

India, where 2,500 people die daily due to use of tobacco, has put off the introduction of strong and gory pictorial warnings till December 1, 2010.

Pakistan - pictorial health warnings on cigarette packs and cartons soon..

Pakistan has made it mandatory for 40% of all tobacco packs — on both sides — to carry the image of a rotting mouth suffering from cancer along with a health warning. While 30% of the tobacco packs shows a patient stricken with mouth cancer, 10% carries the warning text. Gradually, the pictoral coverage will be increased to 50% as recommended by the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC).

From Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada website:
Pakistan cigarette warnings
India's cigarette warnings

Reference: Pak beats India, introduces gory pics on cigarette packs, Kounteya Sinha, The Times of India, 9/12/2010.

1 comment:

  1. You have made Indian Map incorrect because kashmir is the part of India according to Indian govt. but U have shown its as Pakistani teretory... It Condemmable fault.
