Monday, September 27, 2010

PAPER: - evaluating the short-term effects of non-combustible PREPs - decreased toxicant exposure - ineffective abstinence symptom suppression..

September 27, 2010 - Potential-reduced exposure products (PREPs) are marketed as a way for smokers to continue using tobacco while possibly lessening their tobacco toxicant intake.

Currently marketed non-combustible PREPs may not be a viable harm reduction strategy for US smokers. A decease in toxicant exposure is found but these products fail to suppress abstinence symptoms.

PAPER: Evaluating the acute effects of oral, non-combustible potential reduced exposure products marketed to smokers, C O Cobb, M F Weaver and T Eissenberg (, Tob Control 2010;19:367-373, ABSTRACT..

A few related news briefs:
New Zealand - effect of e-cigarettes on desire to smoke cigarettes and withdrawal symptoms..;
Electronic cigarettes - study finds not an effective nicotine delivery system..;
Smokeless tobacco products may not curb smokers’ cravings....

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