Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Spain - the Basque Governing Council gives green to the latest anti-smoking bill..

The Basque Govt. seal..

September 7, 2010 - On Tuesday, the Basque Government will give its approval for a new law intended to ban smoking in all enclosed public spaces, such as bars and restaurants, a href=">Euskal Irrati Telebista (EITB) can reveal.

Parliament will also consider the addition of further clauses for banning smoking in vehicles where children are travelling as well as in public playgrounds. With this new law, Euskadi will become the first 'smoke-free' community of the State. (Euskal Herria (the Basque Country), the Land of the Basque People)

The Basque Councilor for Employment and Social Affairs, Gemma Zabaleta revealed that the government expected widespread consensus regarding the new legislation, including from those within the catering industry with whom they will meet shortly.

Zabaleta added that the law represented an effort, already made in other countries in the EU, to carry out the recommendations of the World Health Organisation and the European Parliament for providing maximum protection to the health of all citizens.

Once the new law is passed by the Basque Parliament it is expected to come into force at the start of 2011. A survey carried out by the Basque Government revealed that 61% of Basques were in favour of a ban on smoking.

See reference to see where the ban will come into effect..

In cases where there is a lack of notification regarding the effects of smoking or the where the sale of tobacco is commercialised, these will be considered minor infractions or offences. The publication and/or promotion of all products containing tobacco for the purpose of consumption will be considered serious infractions.

Reference: Basque bars and restaurants will be smoke-free from 2011, Staff, 9/7/2010.

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