Thursday, September 9, 2010

Spain - doctors call for tobacco sales banned in vending machine in bars and from kiosks..

September 9, 2010 - Doctors in Spain have called for tobacco sales to be banned in [vending] machines in bars and from kiosks, and they want the police to be given the power to fine those who break the law.

Background: The government had hoped to tighten the rules on smoking in public places this year (2010), but Health Minister Trinidad Jimenez said on Tuesday, May 25th that tougher restrictions are unlikely to be in place before the beginning of 2011. Spain - tougher smoking restrictions not until 2011..

The modifications to the 2005 tobacco law is now at the amendment state in parliament and the Government has the objective of it coming into effect on January 1, 2011.
The National Committee for the Prevention of Tobacco Addiction also want smoking to be banned in childrens’ parks and on pavements close to colleges and hospital across the country.

The doctors consider that the numerous points of sale increases the accessibility of tobacco to youngsters, and want to see the number of hotel rooms made available for smokers in the forthcoming new legislation to be reduced from 30% to 15%. They are concerned too about smoking on terraces in cases where there are obstacles which stop the free circulation of the air.

Tobacco is considered to kill some 50,000 people in Spain each year, with 1,000 of the victims workers in the hostelry sector.

Reference: Doctors call for tighter tobacco sales restrictions in Spain by h.b.,, 9/1/2010.

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