Thursday, September 2, 2010

Vancouver, British Columbia - September 1, 2010 - launches smoking ban in all city parks and beaches..

September 2, 2010 - The new bylaw prohibits smoking in 244 parks, including seawalls, beaches, park buildings, concessions, public transit, bus shelters and taxis. Smokers, whether they are lighting up a cigarette, cigar, pipe, hookah or anything else that burns tobacco or weed have to take it elsewhere – or face a $250 fine. The park board plans to enforce the ban through verbal warnings, posted notices and $250 fines.

The Vancouver Parks Board voted unanimously Monday night, April 19th to ban all smoking from more than 200 public parks and beaches, effective September 1, 2010. Park board member Ian Robertson said there wasn’t much debate needed to make the decision.

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - bans smoking in parks and beaches..
“We are there to make sure that all Vancouverites, and even visitors, are able to come down and have a reasonable expectation that they can enjoy the parks, beaches, playgrounds and not have their health put in harm’s way,” said park board commissioner Aaron Jasper. The message that came out of consultation with doctors was there is no such thing as safe exposure to second-hand smoke, Mr. Jasper said.

The bylaw is the latest in a string of existing laws aimed at snuffing out tobacco in Vancouver. Smoking is already banned on patios, bus stops, and near entranceways and air intakes.

Similar bans on outdoor smoking in parks, beaches and playgrounds are in effect in West Vancouver, White Rock and Richmond.

Reference: Vancouver smokers not butting out yet Some continue to light up in parks, beaches despite the city’s new outdoor smoking ban, Rebecca Lindell, The Globe and Mail, 9/2/2010.

A few related news briefs - Vancouver - British Columbia..
British Columbia (B.C.), Canada - largest counterfeit tobacco seizure..;
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - bans smoking in parks and beaches..;
Vancouver's GM Place - Britney Spears walks off stage blames cigarette smoke..;
Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics - smoke-free with exceptions..;
British Columbia - 1st man fined for smoking in car with his child present..;
British Columbia puts into effect smoking ban in cars when kids are present..;

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