Monday, October 25, 2010

France - parliament member proposes to impose new taxes on tobacco..

October 25, 2010 - The French member of parliament (MP), Yves Bur, is calling for the introduction of a five percent tax on tobacco companies' annual revenue and a 25
percent levy on the growth of the revenue generated by cigarette sales,

The representative of the governing UMP (Union for a People's Movement) party said the earnings of "sellers of death" had to be reduced as their profits were "to the detriment of French people's life".

The financial committee at the National Assembly approved the plan for imposing new taxes on tobacco companies but the proposal is subject to the approval of members of parliament.

Reference: The "tobacco" soon overtaxed?, Source : La - 20/10/2010.

France - a few related news briefs:
France - BAT cuts cigarettes prices, also Drum - fine-cut handrolling tobacco (shag);
France - decree signed, graphic warnings on cigarette packs next year..;
France - number of cigarettes sold starts to rise again..;
France - anti-smoking shock ad aimed at teens..;
France - some smokers are flaunting the ban on smoking..;
Cigarette sales in France dropped to a record low in 2008..;
French researchers announced a striking 15% decrease in admissions of patients with myocardial infarction to emergency wards since the public ban on smoking came into effect..;
France - cheaper cigarettes close by in Belgium...

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