Monday, October 18, 2010

Galveston, Texas - weakens smoking ban..

October 18, 2010 - Despite an outburst of public opinion against Galveston City Council’s September vote to overturn its smoking ban, council members defeated Mayor Joe Jaworski’s effort to find a compromise to the argument ( Thursday, October 14th).

September 23, 2001 meeting..After considerable public comment and discussion the Galveston City Council amended the Island’s existing smoking ordinance tonight, Thursday, September 23rd. Galveston’s smoking ban was originally passed in July of 2009 and took effect on January 1, 2010. (Galveston, Texas - smoking ban took effect January 1, 2010 but it may not be enforced..) The ordinance previously prohibited smoking in bars, restaurants, private clubs, and outdoor seating areas, as well as areas within 15 feet of a doorway or window (in proximity to an establishment where smoking is prohibited). In December 2009 the ordinance was amended to allow smoking in retail tobacco shops on the condition that on-premise alcohol consumption is prohibited and persons under the age of 18 are barred from entering the establishment.

Business owners now have the option to meet the City’s “adult venue” definition and allow smoking within their establishments. The revised ordinance will take effect 10 days from the date of posting. Amendments to Chapter 11.5 of Galveston’s code, “Clean Air: Smoking in Public Places”:

* Smoking is now allowed in bars that meet adult venue requirements. Signage must be posted prohibiting persons under the age of 18 from entering the establishment.
* Smoking is now allowed in private clubs, fraternal organizations, and outdoor seating areas.
* On-premise alcohol consumption is now allowed in retail tobacco shops.
* Smoking is now prohibited within five (5) feet of a doorway or window (in proximity to an establishment where smoking is prohibited).

Mayor Joe Jaworski, who put the ordinance on Thursday’s agenda, said he was motivated by the fact that Galveston draws 80 percent of its tourism clients from cities such as San Antonio that have smoking bans and that most businesses want such bans.

Reference: Council votes to keep ban changes by Ian White, The Daily News, 10/15/2010; Galveston City Council Revises Smoking Ban Smoking Now Permitted in Businesses that Meet Adult Venue Requirements, Galveston Island Media Center, 9/23/2010.

Galveston - related news briefs:
Galveston - after two weeks police have not issued any citations for smoking..;
Galveston, Texas - smoking ban took effect January 1, 2010 but it may not be enforced..;
Galveston, TX - comprehensive smoking ban adopted - takes effect January 1, 2010...

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