Monday, October 11, 2010

Japan Tobacco to expand Zerostyle Mint distribution..

October 11, 2010 -
07 Oct 2010. Japan Tobacco (JT) announced today, October 7th that, starting 18 October 2010, the distribution of smokeless tobacco Zerostyle Mint to retail stores in Tokyo will be fully accessible.

Furthermore, the product will be launched in Kanagawa Prefecture (#19 on map upper right - click to enlarge; Japan is divided into 47 prefectures, and each is further divided into municipalities) in mid-November. Zerostyle Mint, which JT launched in mid-May 2010 exclusively in Tokyo, has recently been in short supply at many stores due to consumer demand that has far exceeded the company's expectations. However, JT says it has improved capabilities of existing production lines and has completed preparations for new manufacturing bases, clearing way for a steady product supply.

JT decided to start marketing Zerostyle Mint in Kanagawa Prefecture following Tokyo, as Kanagawa is the second largest market after Tokyo. Zerostyle Mint enjoys high popularity not only among consumers residing in Tokyo, but also with consumers from outside Tokyo, of which Kanagawa residents account for the largest share of the market according to JT's consumer survey.

The package design has been improved to a layout emphasising the words "smokeless tobacco" to raise consumer recognition for the product. It also features a glossy finish for a more luxurious look. The redesigned products are scheduled to gradually replace existing ones beginning in late November. (ci)

Reference: JT to expand Zerostyle Mint distribution,, 10/7/2010.

JT's Zerostyle Mint - related news briefs:
Japan Tobacco, Inc. Zero Style Mint, company says it is selling well..;
Japan Tobacco - sales begin on new smokeless tobacco product..;
Japan Tobacco - "Zerostyle Mint" - new smokeless product...

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