Monday, October 11, 2010

Orlando, FL - new Amway Center no smoking allowed inside — or outside..

October 11, 2010 - Amway Center the new sports and entertainment venue in Orlando, Florida opened its doors to the public on October 1, 2010.

Those of you used to running outside for quick cigarette during a NBA Orlando Magic game or a concert at the old Amway Arena will need to reconsider that at the new Amway Center in downtown Orlando. That’s because there is no smoking anywhere inside or 25 feet outside from any entrance at the new complex.

This was done so The Amway Center could qualify for LEED certification, according to Heather Allebaugh, press secretary for Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer. For those of you not aware, LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design and is a rating system performed by a third party on how green your building is.

And when I say inside and outside, I mean even at the new outdoor lounges, Sky Bar and Gentlemen Jack’s. If you’re at Sky Bar and want a cigarette you’re going to have to go back to the ground floor (Sky Bar is 100 feet up at The Amway Center) and then walk 25 feet away from the building before you light up. I doubt they’ll let you bring your drink with you.

Reference: No smoking allowed inside — or outside — of new Amway Center, posted by Kelly Fitzpatrick,, 10/8/2010.

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