Monday, October 25, 2010

Scotland - Lady Dr. Eileen Crofton a leading anti-smoking campaigner and health advocate dies at 91..

Dr. Judy Mackay - leading campaigner for stricter tobacco control measures and vigilant critic of tobacco industry practices.)

October 25, 2010 - Lady Dr Eileen Crofton, along with her late husband Sir Dr John Crofton were tireless campaigner for tobacco control and for smoke-free public places long before it became legislation.

Lady Crofton, a physician helped set up Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) in 1971 and went on to found ASH Scotland just two years later.

She had a particular interest in women’s health and tobacco and set up the ASH women’s committee in 1984 and stayed on as convener until 1990. This organization later developed into the International Network of Women Against Tobacco (INWAT). She campaigned hard to show to medical and other organizations that tobacco was becoming as important a health issue for women as men.

Sir John Crofton, a world famous expert on the treatment of tuberculosis died in Edinburgh, Scotland at the age of 97.

References: ASH Scotland mourn death of founder member and tireless campaigner Dr Eileen Crofton, ASH Scotland, 10/11/2010; Lady Eileen Crofton; Health campaigner and author,, 10/13/2010.

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