Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Star Scientific - U.S. patent Patent and Trademark Office To Consider Reopening Patent Examination..

October 5, 2010 - Star Scientific Inc. said the U.S. government would consider reopening an examination of two of the company's patents. (US Patent & Trademark Office revoked/ “vacated” its prior notice to terminate Star Scientific's patent, pertinent in their dispute with RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company.)

In May, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, or PTO, ended its re-examination of the two patents, saying Star Scientific as the patent owner failed to follow procedure. At the time, Star said it would seek to reopen the examination process.

R.J. Reynolds Tobacco, a unit of Reynolds American Inc. (RAI), requested the re-examination of two patents in January 2009. The companies have been battling in federal court over Star's patents for a method of curing tobacco that reduces some toxins in the end product.

Star Scientifiic denied new trial in patent infringement - files appeal..

Monday, October 4th Star said its lawyer received a letter from the patent office that vacates the office's May notice it would be ending the re-examination. Star Chairman Paul L. Perito said the company was working on a response that the company believes will reopen the examination.

"We also continue to believe that once the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) has had the opportunity to review all issues relevant to the proceedings, we will prevail on the merits," he said.

RJR couldn't be immediately reached for comment.

Patent Office Revokes Notice of Intent to Terminate Reexamination of Star Scientific Patents, SOURCE Star Scientific, Inc., PR Newswire, 10/4/2010.

Reference: Star Scientific: PTO To Consider Reopening Patent Examination by Joan E. Solsman, Dow Jones Newswire, 10/4/2010.

Also, Star Scientific Comments on Roskamp Institute's Plans to Conduct Human Alzheimer's Clinical Trials Using a Compound (RCP-006) Developed by Rock Creek Pharmaceuticals, Inc., SOURCE Star Scientific, Inc., PR Newswire, 10/7/2010.

Reference: Patent Office Revokes Notice of Intent to Terminate Reexamination of Star Scientific Patents, Star Scientific, 10/4/2010.

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1 comment:

  1. I hate r.j. Reynolds more than I can express. I became addicted to their ciggarettes 30 years ago. Now that I finally found a great product to help me quit, that works well and is affordable, reynolds corporate greed prevents star tobacco from selling it on a ridiculous legal technicality.
