Monday, November 29, 2010

California - Kamala Harris next Attorney General..

November 29, 2010 - San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris will be California's next attorney general, after her Republican opponent conceded today, December 24th - a full three weeks after the Nov. 2 election. She will become the state's first female attorney general.

It was learned recently a group that includes Reynolds Tobacco and Altria providing funding to try and defeat Kamala Harris, candidate for attorney general.. Harris' campaign alleged the Virginia-based Republican State Leadership Committee was pumping more than $1 million in funds from tobacco, oil, insurance and pharmaceutical companies into television attack ads "in an attempt to buy the Attorney General's Office in California."

Harris' victory completes a clean sweep of the eight statewide offices for California Democrats, and is widely viewed as a win for environmentalists, health care reform advocates, same-sex marriage proponents and medical marijuana supporters.

References: Kamala Harris wins attorney general race by Marisa Lagos, Chronicle Staff Writer, San Francisco Chronicle, 11/25/2010; Kamala Harris wins: 1st female attorney general Dems complete sweep of state posts as Cooley concedes race to Harris by Marisa Lagos, Chronicle Staff Writer, San Francisco Chronicle, 11/25/2010.

Related news briefs:
California - election new governor new attorney general..;
California - group that includes Reynolds Tobacco and Altria providing funding to try and defeat candidate for attorney general...

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