Sunday, November 21, 2010

Canadian Cancer Society releases report on health warnings on cigarette packages..

November 20, 2010 - On Monday, November 15, 2010 the Canadian Cancer Society released an international report ranking 175 countries/jurisdictions on the size of their health warnings on cigarette packages. The report was released at the fourth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP-4) to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) held in Uruguay, South America from November 15 to 20. (WHO FCTC - COP-4 - delivers progress on global tobacco control..)
The international report reviews and ranks the cigarette health warnings of 175 countries and territories. This report is an update of the Society’s report published on this topic in 2008.

“In general, there has been tremendous progress internationally in implementing health warnings on cigarette packages,” says Rob Cunningham, Senior Policy Analyst, Canadian Cancer Society. “Our hope is that this growing momentum will assist other countries seeking to implement improved measures.”

See reference for more information and a link to this report.

Reference: Society releases international report on cigarette health warnings, Canadian Cancer Society, 11/15/2010.

Additional reference: Gruesome photos on cigarette packages reduce tobacco use, Rob Cunningham (, Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2009;87:569-569. doi: 10.2471/BLT.09.069559.

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