Monday, November 8, 2010

Frankston, Victoria, Australia - outdoor smoking ban in shopping strips starts November 8th..

November 8, 2010 - Frankston's trial outdoor smoking ban in busy shopping strips starts today.

After extensive public consultation with key stakeholders, businesses, community and health experts, the 'Smoke Free Outdoor Area' trial will commence on Monday 8 November in a designated high pedestrian traffic area of Frankston's city centre.

Lighting up in the designated areas during the six-month trial will result in a $110 (111.44 USD) fine.

The council has begun installing 28 cigarette butt canisters in key locations around the Smoke Free Zone, which includes the entrance to Bayside, the intersection of Shannon St and Station St malls, the western side of Young St, Stiebel Place and Gallery Lane.

Mayor Christine Richards said the trial was intended to educate the community about the dangers of smoking. “Smoking takes the lives of 4000 Victorians each year,” Cr Richards said.

“Who would have thought a decade ago that smoking would be banned from inside restaurants, bars and gaming venues? “This is just another step along a public health pathway that Victorians have been building for years.”

The Heart Foundation and Quit Victoria have both applauded Frankston City Council’s decision to trial the smoke-free outdoor area.

Monash City Council is currently consulting with the public about the possibility of introducing smoke free sporting fields, alfresco dining areas and parks, with the consultation period ending November 26th.

This year the Heart Foundation (Victoria) and Quit have started working with local councils to offer encouragement and support for the implementation of smoke free outdoor areas. Since a similar program in NSW (State of New South Wales) started in 2007, the number of councils implementing smoking bans in outdoor areas has almost tripled to 76 - 50% of all councils in NSW.

References: Trial smoking ban begins in Frankston by DONNA CARTON, Hastings Leader, 11/8/2010; Frankston mall butts out, as more smokers than ever support policy, Cancer Council Victoria, 11/8/2010; Smoke Free Outdoor Area Trial,, 11/5/2010.

Victoria some related news brief:
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