Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Netherlands - smoking ban lifted in small cafes with no staff..

November 3, 2010 - The smoking ban in small cafes and bars (pubs) and have no staff is to be lifted and 'in practice that means people can smoke in them again from today', a health ministry spokesman told news website

Back on September 30, 2010 we reported the same information, i.e., owners of small pubs with no staff welcomed the lifting of a smoking ban imposed on the hospitality industry in 2008. (Netherlands - small pubs (bars) - one-man businesses smoking allowed..)

The tobacco laws still have to be amended to exempt bars which are smaller than 70 m2. But in effect, the ban is over and all outstanding fines will be rescinded, the spokesman said.

The ban will continue in all restaurants, cafes with staff, discos and clubs and sports canteens.

Health minister Edith Schippers has outlined the plans, which were included in the coalition agreement, in a letter to parliament on Wednesday.

Reference: Smoking ban lifted in small cafes with no staff,, 11/3/2010.

Netherlands - related news briefs:
Netherlands - small pubs (bars) - one-man businesses smoking allowed..;
Netherlands - legislation to abolish smoking ban for small cafes/bars with no staff.. ;
Netherlands - bars defy two-year old smoking ban..;
Netherlands - small bars can continue to ignore smoking ban..;
Dutch government will change law to keep bars smoke free..;
Netherlands - lifted smoking ban for bars with no employees..;
Holland - smoking ban temporarily halted for smaller cafes run by their owners alone..;
Netherlands - spot checks on smoking in small cafes suspended temporarily..;
Dutch bar owners without staff when victory against smoking ban..;
Netherlands - Marijuana /Tobacco Cigarettes - Confusion..;
Netherlands - small bars/cafes with no staff could be exempt from smoking ban..;
Court spares small Dutch cafe over smoking ban..;
Netherlands - 1st court case for flouting smoking ban..;
Netherlands - ban on smoking in bars and restaurants NOT enforced..; Netherlands - ban on smoking in bars and restaurants NOT enforced..; Netherlands the smoking ban must be enforced - Ab Klink, Health Minister...;
Congratulations are in order: Netherlands, Romania & Alberta...
(Holland, Dutch)

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