Monday, November 29, 2010

Raleigh, NC - may ban smoking in city parks..

November 29, 2010 - Raleigh, capital of the state of North Carlina which is ranked first in the United States in the production of tobacco, considering a ban on smoking in city parks. Raleigh reported that the city's parks board unanimously approved a ban last week. The City Council has the final say on the proposed ordinance. Parks board member Rodger Koopman says he worries the ban would be difficult to enforce.

The City Council considered banning smoking in children's public play areas in 2007, but didn't have the authority to do that until a new law passed last year. The same law that banned smoking in most restaurants and bars statewide allows local governments to ban smoking in public places.

Mayor Charles Meeker says the ban is an outgrowth of the belief that smoking in places that affect other people is no longer acceptable.

Reference: City may outlaw smoking in parks by RAY MARTIN - Staff, Raleigh News & Observer, 11/27/2010.

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