Sunday, November 14, 2010

WHO FCTC - 4th session on Tobacco Control - Uruguay 15 Nov 2010 to 20 Nov 2010..

November 14, 2010 - The fourth session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) will be held at the conference centre of the Conrad Hotel in Punta del Este, Uruguay. It will open at 10:00 on Monday, 15 November 2010, and is expected to close no later than 13:00 on Saturday, 20 November 2010.

Guide for participants in the Conference of the Parties

Fourth Session- Main Documents

Some critical issues:

WHO may have a solution to the contraband problem..

Without a solution to control the flow of illicit (illegal, contraband, smuggling, black market) tobacco products a country can not have a successful tobacco control program.

Flavoured tobacco products around the world.. We are agreement that tobacco flavourings are an increasingly important part of tobacco industry marketing, particularly to young people. Flavourings enhance attractiveness, encourage youth initiation, and discourage cessation.

Part 1: avoidance of nicotine addiction - remove the flavoring from all tobacco products..;
Part 2: avoidance of nicotine addiction - remove the flavoring from all tobacco products...

This issue, which is covered by the Article 9/10 guidelines of the WHO’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), will be addressed at the upcoming Fourth Conference of the Parties. View images of some flavoured tobacco products and advertising from around the world.

WHO wants to force tobacco growing countries to reduce production as part of its anti-smoking campaign. Tobacco producing countries are opposed to the World Health Organisation's attempts to push through a ban of ingredients used in producing blended tobacco. At present there is no alternative crop that will provide the same income as that from growing tobacco.

Take Zimbabwe, among the top five tobacco producers in the world. Tobacco is the best paying crop in Zimbabwe with a total of 123,4 million kgs sold at the just ended tobacco selling season. About 350 000 people are directly earning a living from tobacco, while an estimated 500 000 more benefit from downstream industries.

About 80% of the world's traded tobacco production was said to be represented at this year's International Tobacco Growers Association (ITGA) Annual General Meeting last week, where farmers discussed the devastating impact the new guidelines for the FCTC could bring if adopted in Uruguay next week.

According to ITGA, which represents 30 million tobacco farmers these measures will have disastrous social and economic consequences without making any difference to peoples' health. Article 9 of the FCTC aims to regulate the contents of tobacco products, that is the testing and measuring of tobacco contents and emissions.

The Zimbabwe Tobacco Association and the Zimbabwe Commercial Farmers Union have both united to fight this ban, which could affect 30 million tobacco farmers globally, according to the International Tobacco Growers Association.

Related news briefs:
Turkey - like other tobacco growing countries worried that WHO will eliminate blended tobacco..;
WHO FCTC - developing countries need alternative to tobacco growing plus stoppage of cigarette smuggling..;
African COMESA countries against WHO's attempt to ban ingredients used in blended tobacco..;
Europe - tobacco growers are worried but no change until an alternative is found..;
Asian Tobacco Farmers worried Article 9 & 10 WHO FCTC..;
U.S. Burley tobacco growers - WHO FCTC articles elimination of American-style cigarettes..;
Thailand govt - wants to ban the growing of Burley and Oriental tobacco..;
Canada - bill to ban flavored tobacco products gets final approval - Burley Tobacco...

Reference: Zimbabwe: WHO Set to Decide on Tobacco Ingredients Ban, Paul Nyakazeya,, 11/11/2010.

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