Wednesday, December 1, 2010

England - government releases white paper - emphasis on prevention..

December 1, 2010 - On November 30, 2010 the UK Department of Health released a white paper entitled: Public Health England – A New Service to Get People Healthy..

Public Health England – A New Service to Get People Healthy..

Britain is now the most obese nation in Europe. They have among the worst rates of sexually transmitted infections on record. Rising levels of harm from alcohol, and over 80,000 lives lost every year because of smoking. This White Paper marks the most fundamental shift in how we tackle our public health challenges since the inception of the NHS itself. (Paul Burstow writes… Healthy lives, healthy people by Paul Burstow MP, Libeal Democratic Voice, 11/30/2010)

VIDEO (with ad): Healthy lifestyle role 'for all society' by Nick Triggle Health reporter, BBC News, 11/30/2010.

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