Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Japan Tobacco (JT) Inc. to roll-out Zerostyle Mint at 4,000 retailers across Japan.

December 22, 2010 - Since the launch of "Zerostyle Mint" in Tokyo in May, 2010, the product has been raising consumer expectation from diverse areas with requests for sales area expansions and purchases.

JT's Zerostyle Mint - related news briefs:
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In response to those requests, we have decided on advance roll-out of "Zerostyle Mint" across Japan from the beginning of January 2011 through estimated 4,000 retailers excluding those located in Tokyo and Kanagawa where the product is already available. The decision follows our increased production capability through production increases in a manufacturing base established in November, 2010.

The product has caught on since its introduction in May this year and, though it is still available only in Tokyo and Kanagawa, its production capacity has had to be increased. Indeed, the company has said that it will continue to increase capacity.

From January 1, 2011 Zerostyle Mint and its cartridges will be made available through about 4,000 retailers nation-wide.

Although it is often referred to as a ‘snuff’ product, it is like a smokeless cigarette containing a cartridge of tobacco and flavors. It is shaped like a cigarette, though with a mouthpiece.

Reference: New Style of Smokeless Tobacco "Zerostyle Mint" Rolled-out Across Japan at a Limited Number of Retailers, JT Press Reelase, 12/21/2010.

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