Friday, December 17, 2010

Leduc, Alberta , Canada - bans smoking in cars with kids, takes effect July 2, 2011..

Leduc City flag..
December 17, 2010 - The City of Leduc has passed a bylaw that bans people from smoking in their own vehicles when children are present. The bylaw was passed Monday night, December 13th by city council. The bylaw "Smoke-free Vehicles for Minors Bylaw" states that no person shall smoke in a private vehicle when another person who is under the age of 18 is present in the vehicle. This would apply even if a window, sunroof or car-top is open. This would also apply whether the vehicle is parked or moving.

If caught, violators in Leduc will get a $100 fine for the first offence and $200 for a second offence. The bylaw takes effect on July 2, 2011. The law applies even when a window or sunroof is open for ventilation. If caught, violators face a fine of $100 for a first offence and $200 for a second offence.

During the next seven months, the city will embark upon a public education campaign to inform residents about the bylaw.

Leduc is the second Alberta municipality to pass this type of bylaw. The Town of Okotoks passed a bylaw on Sept. 1, 2008. (August 10, 2009 - Okotoks, Alberta - enforcement - no fines issued smoking drivers with kids..; September 4, 2008 - Okotoks, Alberta - Smoking in Vehicles With Kids Present Banned..)

The Alberta Province Health and Wellness Minister Gene Zwozdesky applauded Leduc for passing the bylaw, but said it won't be on his radar for a province-wide ban any time soon. "We do not have anything contemplated at this stage to increase our legislation in that regard," he said. "I've got a lot of issues I am dealing with right now."

Canada - Smoke-free Vehicles When Children are Present: The Province of Nova Scotia was the first in Canada to ban smoking in cars with children under the age of 19 in effect April 1, 2008. Some others: British Columbia, under age 16, in effect April 7, 2009; New Brunswick, under age 16, effective January 1, 2010; Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada, under age 19, broader definition of smoking, in effect January 1, 2008; Okotoks, Alberta, Canada, under age 16, in effect September 1, 2008; Ontario, Canada – under age 16, in effect January 21, 2009; Prince Edward Island, under age 19, effective September 15, 2009; Victoria, Canada – under age 16, effective 2009; Yukon, Canada – under age 18, in effect May 1, 2008. (Smoke-free Vehicles When Children are Present)
Also Saskatchewan, Canada - ban on smoking in cars with child passengers now in force - October 1, 2010.

References: VIDEO - Leduc bans smoking in cars when kids are present, CTV Edmonton, 12/14/2010; Leduc bans smoking in cars with kids by PAMELA ROTH, Edmonton Sun, 12/14/2010.
(children, child, kids)

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