Wednesday, December 29, 2010

North Carolina - air quality improved - reaping the benefits of state smoking ban..

December 29, 2010 - On January 2, 2010 the State of North Carolina's ban on public smoking went into effect. The law according to the bill made smoking prohibited in all enclosed areas of restaurants and bars. (North Carolina (NC) - beginning in January 2010 fire safe cigarettes (FSC), smoking ban in public places..)

April 24, 2010 - North Carolina - reaping the benefits of statewide smoking ban...

Jackalope Jacks Manager Ben Jackson said he and his employees are feeling a lot different in 2010 than they did at this time last year. "We don't seem to be as sick. It's a better working environment. People don't seem to come down with colds as much, upper respiratory infections,” Jackson said.

The North Carolina Division of Public Health found Jackson isn't the only one breathing easier. Nearly one year after smoking was banned in North Carolina's bars and restaurants a new report showed air quality has improved nearly 90 percent where we eat, drink and have a good time.

"I hope that skeptics can see now that this is not just a popular law that people really enjoy but that it's actually having a positive effect on the health of the state,” Ann Staples (with the state tobacco prevention and control branch) said. Staples said the longer the smoking ban is in effect, the better it will be for the state's overall well being and health care costs. "Heart disease and lung disease and particularly lung cancer, and we should see those rates go down where there's less and less exposure to secondhand smoke,” Staples said.

Smokers we spoke with Wednesday night, December 22nd said they're still getting used to walking outdoors in order to light up. "It's more of a mental process, you know, like I have to go outside right now, to go smoke, and get away from my friends," Alison Kushner said.

Beyond the health impact of the state's smoking ban, an economic study is expected in a month or so which will outline how the ban has affected businesses' bottom line. Jackson said it has filtered in new customers to his establishment. “If anything it's affected for the better, because we've had an influx of non-smokers that normally wouldn't have come to bars and restaurants," Jackson said.

Reference: VIDEO - Air quality better at eateries, bars following smoking ban By: Brad Broders,, 12/22/2010.

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