Sunday, December 26, 2010

PAPER: smoking cessation may increase blood levels of good cholesterol..

December 26, 2010 - This study was designed to determine the effects of smoking cessation on lipoproteins. The study of over 1,500 smokers showed that the blood level of HDL also known as good cholesterol in people who quitting the habit increased by an average of 5 percent. The positive effect was found to be greater in women than in men.

PAPER: Effects of smoking and smoking cessation on lipids and lipoproteins: Outcomes from a randomized clinical trial, Adam D. Gepner, MD, Megan E. Piper, PhD, Heather M. Johnson, MD, Michael C. Fiore, MD, MPH, Timothy B. Baker, PhD, James H. Stein, MD, Amer Heart Journal 161(1): 145-151, January 2011, ABSTRACT..

"Further benefits on cholesterol levels may have been actually masked by the weight gain seen after quitting," said lead researcher Adam Gepner from the University of Wisconsin, stressing that small weight gain regularly follows smoking cessation.

"It is important to counsel quitters about weight gain and the need for a healthy diet and regular exercise during the quitting period," he added.

Researchers, however, do not have a clear understanding of what lies behind quitting cigarette and increased good cholesterol levels, suggesting that smoking may damage the proteins that control the breakdown of cholesterol.

Previous studies have linked about 20 percent of mortalities from cardiovascular diseases to smoking.

Reference: Quitting smoking ups good cholesterol,, 12/25/2010.

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