Friday, December 17, 2010

Ukraine - draft law introduced to ban the sale of tobacco and alcoholic beverages in kiosks..

December 17, 2010 - Member of parliament of Ukraine from the Regions Party faction Andriy Pinchuk has proposed that the sale of alcoholic beverages and tobacco in stationary and mobile small architectural constructions, in particular, kiosks, stalls, and slot machines, be banned.

This draft law was registered in the parliament on Dec. 13. According to an explanatory note to the document, the draft law is mainly aimed at ensuring the proper level of health of citizens, and limiting the consumption of alcohol and tobacco.

Tobacco Use: Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS): Ukraine: 2010..

Ukraine is divided into 24 provinces or oblasts, two municipalities with oblast status (Kiev and Sevastopol), and one autonomous republic (Crimea). Ukraine..

Reference: Parliament can ban sale of alcohol, tobacco in kiosks, Interfax-Ukraine, Kyiv Post, 12/15/2010.

Ukraine related news briefs:
Kiev (Kyiv), Ukraine - January 1, 2011 restrict smokers in restaurants to closed-off rooms..;
Ukraine - President Victor Yushchenko accused of being close with tobacco industry..;
Ukraine - President Yushchenko vetoes bill to hike tobacco products tax..;
Ukraine - enforcement of smoking ban, 28,000 people fined..;
Ukraine - lost cigarettes flooding Europe..

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