Thursday, January 20, 2011

California - La Palma's Central Park will be tobacco-free starting February 1, 2011..

January 20, 2011 - Central Park in La Palma will be smoke and tobacco-free starting Feb. 1, despite a smoldering debate and close vote at Tuesday night's City Council meeting. Three of the council's five members voted against establishing a small designated smoking area in the park, which would have been between the recreation buildings and the basketball courts. The failed vote allows a full ban to go into effect in two weeks.

Smoking is a health hazard, said Councilman Steve Shanahan, who supported the ban. "The majority of those who use the park are under the age of 18," he added, those who could most be harmed by secondhand smoke.

Reference: Smoking in the park snuffed out by MICHAEL MELLO (, THE ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER, 1/19/2011.

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